js How to fix Npm install failed with "cannot run in wd" I was trying to upgrade my blogs ghost version to 0.9(which btw has some cool features) and I stumbled upon an issue when trying to upgrade the packages. Every time I run sudo npm install --production on my server, I get the following error: npm WARN cannot run
meteor Restricting users signup to a particular domain in meteor.js If you want to restrict the user registration to a particular domain only, say for e.g.: codingarena.in, then you can do the same by adding the following code: Accounts.config({restrictCreationByEmailDomain:'codingarena.in'});
meteor Masonry in meteor.js Code snippet to make masonry work with meteor.js Template.activity_feed.rendered = function () { $('.masonry-container').isotope({ itemSelector: '.item', layoutMode: 'masonry', masonry: { columnWidth: 200, gutterWidth: 5 } }) };
meteor Manually insert users from seed file with accounts-password One of the easiest way to seed users/admin-user into the system is by running the following on the server when it starts: Meteor.startup(function() { if (Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) { Accounts.createUser({ username: 'test', email: 'me@til.codes', password: 'password' }); } });