Error handling with Grape, Rails and ActiveRecord CanCan
I have been working on a project developing the backend API using Rails and Grape. One fine morning I pulled the latest code from the git repo that my colleague wrote, and was going to review the code. As usual, the first thing I did was to run the Integrations specs and to my surprise, some of the specs were failing.
The failing specs were mostly around the Sad path, and looking deeper I realized that the exceptions were not being handled properly in the code and was causing the specs to fail.
So, given the scenario, I wanted to handle the exceptions generated by the Grape API in a much clean and DRY way as these exceptions are ought to happen in the API any time.
So I decided to write a concern, by extending the ActiveSupport::Concern to handle all the exceptions that the app generates. So here is an abstract of the code that I came up with.
module API
module V1
module ExceptionsHandler
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
rescue_from :all do |e|
# When required params are missing or validation fails
if == 'Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors'
error!(e.message, status: 406)
# Bad token
elsif == 'RuntimeError' && e.message == 'Invalid base64 string'
error!('401 Unauthorized', status: 401)
# AccessDenied - Authorization failure
elsif == 'CanCan::AccessDenied'
error!('You don\'t have permissions.', status: 403)
# Record not found
elsif == ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |e|
error!(e.message, status: 404)
# When all hell broke loose
Rails.logger.error "\n#{} (#{e.message}):"
e.backtrace.each { |line| Rails.logger.error line }{
error: '400 Bad Request',
errors: e.errors
}.to_json, 400)
You can add your own custom exceptions to the case. Some of the exceptions that Grape supports can be found here
Hope someone finds this helpful.